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Trainers | How to Live Stream

How to Create, Schedule, and Start a Live Stream

Stephen Sullivan avatar
Written by Stephen Sullivan
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the world of live streaming on, where your fitness expertise can reach and inspire a global audience of enthusiasts. This comprehensive guide is designed to walk you through the process of going live on our platform, enabling you to share your workouts, engage with your followers, and create an authentic connection that transcends boundaries. Whether you're a seasoned live streamer or just getting started, this article will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to make your live sessions a smashing success. Let's get ready to hit that live button and embark on an exciting journey of interactive fitness streaming!

Step 1:

On our Dashboard find the Upcoming and Schedule section

Step 2:

Underneath your Calendar click the Schedule Live Training button.

Step 3:

On the first step of the Live Training setup select the category of the training (ex. Strength, Yoga, Cardio, etc.) that best describes this Live Workout. Remember the recording of this Live Training will be saved within that Category. You can select up to three options. Click Continue

Step 4:

In the About Training section enter the following: Title and Description. Include details and keywords that best describe this workout. Please note that the better the title and description the better the this video will rank within the Perspire platform and within Search Engines (Google, Bing, etc.). All Content on the site will be readable by Search Engines.

Step 5:

After the Title and Description enter the Price in Credits. You can set the Live Training price and the Recording price differently or the same price.

Live Training Price - This is the price Users will pay to Book a Seat to your Live Training

Recording Price - This is the price Users will pay to rent the recording of the Live Training. Users will have 72 hours access to this rental.

Scroll down and set the Date, Time, and estimate Duration of the Live Training.

Click Continue

Step 6:

On the next page labeled Fitness Details first select to upload a Cover Image/Thumbnail Image. Make sure this Image best represents the workout in this Live Training. This will be the first impression Users will see when looking for workouts to Live Stream. If you do not have a Cover Image available to Upload Perspire will assign a Default Image. You can always edit or change this image at any point.

Under Fitness Level select one of the options: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, or All Levels.

Next select is a Partner/Spotter is recommended for this workout. If not leave this option unchecked.

In the last section on this page select any Workout Equipment that is needed for this exercise (ex. Dumbbells, Yoga Mat, Resistance Bands, etc). If this workout does not require equipment or can be done without equipment select the This Can be Done With No Equipment selection.

Click Schedule Training

Scheduled Live Trainings will now show on your Trainer Calendar and within your Channel. You can easily access your Scheduled Live Trainings within your Dashboard through the Upcoming and Calendar section. This is where you can also Edit or Delete scheduled Live Trainings at any point before the Stream starts.

Steps to Start your Live Training Stream.

Here you can Start your Live Training up to 15 minutes before the scheduled Start Date & Time.

To Start your Live Stream access your Trainer Dashboard. You will see your next available Live Stream in the Upcoming section at the top of the Dashboard. You can also access it through your Calendar by selecting the Date and then the Scheduled Live Training.

Once ready to start the Live Stream find the Scheduled Workout and click Start.

Once the Live Stream launches select the Microphone and Camera that will be used during the Live Stream. Once Live you will see Attendees and the Live Chat to the right side of the Video.

Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

Before You Begin:

Test Your Setup: Before you start your live stream, take a moment to test your equipment, including your camera, microphone, and internet connection. Ensure everything is working seamlessly to avoid technical hiccups during your session.

Create a Welcoming Atmosphere: Set up your space with an inviting backdrop that aligns with your fitness brand. Clear any distractions and make sure the lighting is adequate for clear visuals.

Engage with Your Audience: As you start your live stream, take a moment to greet your viewers and encourage them to interact. Ask questions, respond to comments, and make your audience feel involved from the get-go.

During Your Live Stream:

Be Energetic and Enthusiastic: Your energy will translate to your viewers, so keep the enthusiasm high throughout your session. Your passion for fitness will be contagious and keep your audience engaged.

Explain Your Workouts: Clearly explain the exercises you're performing, the correct form, and any modifications. This ensures that participants can follow along safely and effectively.

Encourage Interaction: Keep the conversation flowing by asking for feedback, suggestions, and answering questions. This interactive approach fosters a sense of community and keeps viewers engaged.

Keep an Eye on the Clock: While it's important to deliver a thorough workout, also be mindful of the time. Stick to your planned schedule to respect your viewers' time and maintain their engagement.

Stay Calm Under Pressure: If something doesn't go as planned, don't fret. Stay calm, adapt, and keep the session moving forward. Your ability to handle unexpected situations professionally will earn you respect from your audience.

Remember, live streaming is all about connecting with your audience in real time, so don't be afraid to show your authentic self and let your passion shine. As you put these best practices into action, you'll build a loyal following and create memorable fitness experiences that keep participants coming back for more.

Promote Your Live Stream

There are many ways to promote your Channel and Content. Sharing the link to your Scheduled Live Trainings is easy. First step is to get the direct link. Find the Live Stream details within your Dashboard and click View Full Info. This will take you to the Scheduled Live Training page. At the top of the page click Copy Link. You can then share this link on Social Media, directly with your contacts, and on other Websites. Here is More Info on How to Promote Your Channel and Content

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